What the prompt!?

Finance prompt

Tax Planning Support

Assist in developing tax strategies and planning.

Finance prompt

Compliance Summaries

Summarize financial regulations and compliance requirements.

Finance prompt

Risk Management Assessments

Identify and assess financial risks facing the company.

Finance prompt

Explaining Financial Concepts

Provide clear explanations of complex financial concepts.

Customer Service prompt

Service Cancellation Procedures

Explain how customers can cancel services or subscriptions.

Customer Service prompt

Customer Service Chat Etiquette

Develop guidelines for professional chat interactions.

Customer Service prompt

VIP Customer Support Protocols

Establish protocols for providing support to VIP customers.

Customer Service prompt

Handling Product Suggestions

Create a process for receiving and responding to product suggestions.

Customer Service prompt

Positive Review Encouragement

Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews.

Finance prompt

Excel formula expert

Create Excel formulas based on user-described calculations or data manipulations.